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Scientific Name: Capra hircus (Full Taxonomy)
Group: White and Black
Origin or Range: Switzerland
Animal Description:
A truly international breed, the Valais Blackneck Goat is also known in various countries as the Col Noir de Valais, Valaisan a Col Noir, Viege, Chevre des Glaciers, Walliser Schwarzhals, Schwarzweisse Walliser Sattelziege, Vallesana del Collo Nero, Vallese or Valais Blackthroat. Such an international following must surely indicate a highly valued animal!
The Valais Blackneck Goat has traditionally been kept by transhumant pastoralists and is a hardy mountain breed. These goats are efficient grazers who flourish even on poor or scarce ranges. Valais Blacknecks are also extremely hardy, able to tolerate wet or cold climes!
At maturity, a Valais Blackneck buck usually stands 80 centimeters at the withers and weighs around 70 kilograms. Does are shorter at around 75 centimeters and weighing 50 kilograms. They have long, wavy hair and arched, medium length horns. The Valais Blackneck gets its name from its striking coloration. While the goat’s body is white from the shoulders back, the head and neck and occasionally the front legs are solid black. The line between the two colors is well defined and impressive. Although Valais Blackneck Goats will produce about 500 kilograms of milk in a 210-day lactation, they are more often used for meat production. The carcass is nicely lean and the muscling is moderately thick. Both the Valais Blackneck’s milk and meat productions are extremely impressive given the poor and limited nature of its food intake!
Developed from indigenous goats crossed with Kupferziege goats and improved by selective breeding, the Valais Blackneck has been valued for years. The herd book was established in 1920 and today, apart from the milk and meat qualities of the Valais Blackneck, these goats are valued for their beauty and raised by hobbyists!
Specific Care Information: Relative Care Ease: Average
Although Valais Blackneck Goats are generally kept in mountain pastures, they should be stabled for the coldest two to six months of the year. While grazing, they usually do not need supplemented feed, but in the winter should be offered grass and fodder. They are agile, surefooted and well adapted to the mountains. Valais Blackneck Goats do not have the CAE Virus.
Breeding and Propagation: Relative Breeding Ease: Average
Valais Blackneck Goats reach sexual maturity at an average age and are at their reproductive prime at two and a half years of age. Their litter sizes are average and the kids are hardy, although they have lower rates of gain than do most breeds’ young.
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